We enjoy excellent relationships with the British Council, European Union and ERASMUS+. This funding stream has facilitated the following projects:
- Links and exchanges with schools in Portugal and Germany. Currently, 18 pupils have visited schools in either Portugal or Germany, and we have also welcomed our friends to Ysgol Ty Coch. The name of the project was 'Europe on a Plate' and demonstrated a great way to experience different cultures from our European friends.
- Links and Exchanges with schools in Poland and Romania. We undertook projects with schools in Poland and Romania. The name of this project was 'Where the Wild Things Grow' and focussed around improving Forest Schools and ICT. The funding paid for staff to attend 5 day Forest school training along with funding modules from University accreditation
- Staff Professional Learning - we have also received funding for staff to go on professional European Exchanges. In October 2018, a member of staff visited Iceland to learn more about Forest Schools.
- Staff have visited Germany, Finland, Sweden, Spain and France to find out about education and pedagogy in those countries.
This funding stream has been extremely welcome in Ysgol Ty Coch and allows our school to realise the vision of being #Morethanjustaschool.
More recently, staff have accessed film making in Sweden, Wellbeing in Sweden and Foundation/ Developmental Play in Italy.
The school hopes to continue to build on the links which we have made since Erasmus and access the new funding available from Welsh Government.