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Investors in Families

Investors in Families is a quality mark that recognises the work that schools and other settings undertake with families; to improve outcomes for children and young people.

Investors in Families is a national scheme, with criteria of standards which are accredited. Ysgol Ty Coch was awarded this fantastic quality in November 2015 and previously in 2012.

There are excellent links with families ranging from Home/ School books, half-termly family assemblies in the Primary department, coffee mornings, concerts and many more.  In addition, the school works closely with families on a more individual basis if needed. The school has an Open Door policy and every effort is made to work closely with parents to provide assistance  as quickly as is possible.

"Family are like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one." Anonymous

As the quote acknowledges the importance of family and support, Ysgol Ty Coch recognises the essential links between family and school for our children and young people to achieve their full potential.

In 2017, the school opened the Family Centre, which is staffed three days a week by Karen Murphy, our instructor for engaging families.