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Key Stage 2


To promote the four key purposes

The Four Purposes
The curriculum meets the mandatory elements of the curriculum for Wales as the four purposes are central to all learning in the school.  Through each lesson, learners are made aware of the four purposes, through child-friendly characters which depict the four purposes. These were created by staff and pupils were engaged in developing the characters and being part of the process.  The school curriculum is broad and balanced, ensuring that all learners have planned opportunities and  assessment activities across all the Areas of Learning.

  • To promote the pupil’s skills of language, literacy and communication.
  • To promote the numeracy skills of each pupil, including developing their problem-solving skills.
  • To promote the scientific and investigative skills of each pupil.
  • To promote historical enquiry and investigation skills for each pupil.
  • To promote geographical enquiry and investigation skills for each pupil.
  • To promote religious and cultural development for each pupil.
  • To promote physical development for each pupil.
  • To promote personal and social development for each pupil.
  • To promote creative skills, artistic skills and design skills for each pupil.
  • To promote Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills for each pupil.
  • To provide a caring, stimulating environment where each child can explore, learn and develop their existing skills.

Our Main Objectives

  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum, designed according to the New curriculum for Wales, bespoke to our pupils' individual needs
  • To provide pupils with a calm, friendly, caring environment, taking into account their specific individual needs.
  • To develop pupil’s communication, literacy and numerical skills so that they can apply their knowledge to a range of situations.
  • To work closely with other agencies and professionals to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to the pupil’s education.
  • To provide opportunities to direct their own learning and make choices.
  • To give each child the opportunity to access the  six areas of learning through the context booklets which is taught at their appropriate level and covers the What Matter Statements, enabling each child to make progress according to the Pre Progressions steps for the majority of learners  and Progression step 1 and  2 where appropriate.
  • To develop each pupil’s self-esteem, confidence and sense of achievement.
  • To enable each pupil’s social and emotional development.
  • To develop good home school links and relationships with parents/carers.
  • To promote the language and culture of Wales.

Parental Involvement

Parents are always welcome in school. Each child has a home school book for sharing information. We endeavour to invite parents to visit throughout the school year, for example, coffee mornings, fun days, sports days and concerts. We have a celebration assembly at the end of Year 6 to present the children with their primary school Records of Achievement. It is a joyous event which parents are invited to attend.  We also meet parents at Individual Development Plans(IDP's)/Annual Reviews. We are available to speak to parents at the end of the day for queries or a chat.


Key Stage 2 children have full access to the Curriculum for Wales, which has been designed by the staff in accordance to the pupils'  needs. Teaching and learning activities are delivered through a varied medium, including  digital skills, academic tasks , practical tasks and role play. Continuous and enhanced provision is provided for Key Stage 2 pupils where appropriate.

We have developed a four-year thematic  rolling programme.

Area of Learning Previous National Curriculum Alignment
Expressive Arts                                              

Art, Drama, Music,  Dance,  Film,  Digital Media

Health and Well-being PE,  PSE,  SRE
Humanities History,  Geography, RE
Language, Literacy and Communication English, Welsh, Digital Communication
Mathematical Development Maths
Science and Technology Science, DT, ICT

This  ensures coverage of the required curriculum, incorporating our school schemes of work.  We adopt a thematic approach, teaching through termly topics.

Year Autumn Spring  Summer
Year1 Helping Myself Down The Pit Outside My Window
Year 2 Marvellous Machines Knights and Castles Pack Your Bags
Year 3 Glittering  Galaxy Green, Green Grass of Home Creature Comforts
Year 4 Knowing Me, Knowing You Land Of Song Down in My Allotment

  The learning experience is extended through visitors to school such as musicians and visits from the PSCO.  The learning experience  is also extended through trips related to the current topics.  All work is specifically tailored to the abilities of individual pupils and incorporates opportunities for pupils to practice skills and specific objectives in line with their OPPs.  The curriculum is delivered through a structured framework which incorporates long, medium and short term planning, which ensures long term progression throughout the key stage.  There is an emphasis on skills and a cross-curricular, practical and applied approach to learning.  Pupils are encouraged to become independent thinkers.  Some pupils learn through a sensory approach and will access light / dark rooms and the hydrotherapy pool.

Extra curricular

The children have the advantage of extracurricular activities. Some children work with the Urdd project to promote Welsh and PE.  Some children, where necessary, work with speech therapists and physiotherapists.  In addition, some children access the hydrotherapy pool while others access the local swimming pool.  Sessions in communication and body awareness also take place with outside providers, such as the Relax Kids programme.