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Our Curriculum

Adoption of the Curriculum - the school has adopted the new Curriculum for Wales : attachment at the bottom of the page.


Core Purpose of the Curriculum

The curriculum at Ty Coch reflects the holistic needs of all of the children. Its priorities’ are the learning outcomes for our children who experience complex, severe and profound learning disabilities. It has therefore been designed by staff, parents and pupils who have an acute knowledge of the learning needs of the children.

When designing the curriculum, staff have incorporated statutory and non-statutory guidance and the following broad range of principles. The curriculum has been designed for new  Curriculum  for Wales requirements, including  supportive documentation from the Literacy and Numeracy Framework. We  ensure a curriculum which is flexible, reflective, takes into account stakeholder views and which will evolve to reflect the needs of the pupils. We ensure that the teaching of all curriculum areas is fully inclusive and all pupils irrespective of race, gender, colour or additional need have equal access and opportunity.

The Curriculum for All Learners Document states:

  • To enable all learners’ access to relevant skills, knowledge and understanding at an appropriate level, schools may select content from the foundation phase or any key stage within the curriculum and use it flexibly together with the skills framework 2008 in order to:
  • Provide a meaningful, relevant and motivating curriculum to their learners
  • Meet the specific needs of their learners and further their all round development

This is the principle on which we base our curriculum and assessment.

Curriculum for Wales - Please click this link to access official materials relating to CfW

Its here! On 28.01.20, the Welsh Government published the final version of the new curriculum in Wales. Entitled 'Curriculum for Wales 2022', this new approach to teaching and learning is a major shift in thinking and one most welcome in Ysgol Ty Coch.  Please click on the link above to find out more, but basically, the new curriculum is organised as follows:

4 Key Purposes Areas of Learning and Experience Cross Curricula Themes
Healthy, Confident Individuals Language, Literacy and Communication Literacy
Ambitious, Capable Learners Mathematics and Numeracy Numeracy
Ethically Informed Citizens Health and Wellbeing Digital Competence
Enterprise, creative contributors Humanities  
  Science and Technology  
  Expressive Arts  

Our Curriculum Strategy and Readiness

  1. Our strategy for curriculum reform started in 2015 with an investment in staff professional learning, wellbeing and resilience in the face of once in a generation curriculum change. This essential first step ensured that staff are excited by the prospect of change rather than being daunted by it.
  2. A full review of the curriculum arrangements in Ysgol Ty Coch was undertaken in October 2015 with subsequent reviews in 2018 and 2019. This involved pupils, parents, staff, Governors and Multi-Disciplinary Agencies
  3. A crucial recommendation from the curriculum review detailed a requirement to promote thematic learning to increase relevance for our pupils from Foundation to KS4, with a modular approach to learning in KS5.
  4. All staff have been involved in developing exciting and motivating teaching and learning activities which align to Areas of Learning and Experience but which meet the individual needs of learners according to their ALN.
  5. A  "spiral curriculum"  has been designed for pupils aged 3-14 based on a four year thematic rolling programme for sensory, foundation, KS2 and  three yard rollign programme at KS3.
  6.  At 14-19, there is  a two year thematic rolling programme for KS4 regarding the Learning Core.
  7. At 16-19 there are vocational pathways, where pupils choose which options they would like to take. this is based on pupil voice and choice, planned as a three year rolling programme, alongside the Learning Core
  8.  As part of the ALN reform as a  school, this gave us a chance to focus on 'What Matters' for our learners. We launched exciting initiatives around The MOVE Programme and ASD strategies and interventions
  9. In 2018-2019, a curriculum enrichment programme was developed. All staff are placed into an AOLE group depending on their expertise, skill set and interests. In year 1 (2018-2019) six AOLE enrichment days were planned with an exciting theme. Each day was evaluated for its impact on learning, enjoyment and engagement. Each day was also evaluated for its impact on professional learning relating to the National Mission
  10. Since  2019, all teachers now plan their lessons using the new AOLE structure. Topic Captures have been developed to improve the way we engage with families
  11. In 2019-2020, we formed an assessment and accountability staff network who have begun articulating our vision for assessment in 2022 and beyond.
  12. In 2020, we have  ensured pupils have a good understanding of the 4 key purposes by engaging them in fun, age appropriate work through animation and Avatars. We will continue to invest heavily in staff professional learning to ensure that teaching approaches are first class. To do this, we need to continue to embed our culture of self and peer reflection with the work force
  13. A Curriculum Review was held during Spring 22 where SLT and teaching staff digested the CfW materials and applied  it to our successful curriculum structure. Our focus has been on skills, knowledge and experiences, use staff and pupil feedback from previous years. What matters statements added to the context booklet 
  14. Summer and Autumn 22, audit of the curriculum against the "what matters" statements, embed cross cutting themes of diversity, local and national, RSE, RVE, human rights, Careers and Work Related Education (CWRE)
  15. Parent workshops were established to give parents information and to invite their views - Autumn 2022
  16.  Autumn 2023 reviewed curriculum planning and focusses more on wider and integral skills. Curriculum review through outside consultants Spring 2024. This provides for much discussion and planning about how we consider our curriculum and what matters to our learners. Staff have been to visit other schools. 

To view each individual curriculum area, please select from the options on the drop down menu.