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School Transport

School Transport Team contact number:   01443 494871

Transport to school is arranged and managed by the Local Authority.  Please contact them on the number above if you have any queries as transport is not arranged by Ysgol Tŷ Coch.

Once transport has been agreed for your child to attend school, you will receive a letter from the School Transport Team at the LA confirming the arrangements with contact details for the taxi/bus contractor and for the School Transport Team.

Please report any problems, queries or concerns regarding your child’s transport to the School Transport Team so that action can be taken as soon as possible and so that they can help your child to have an enjoyable journey to and from school.

Please be aware that it is sometimes necessary for a child’s transport arrangements to be changed, so there is no guarantee that your child will always have the same taxi/bus company, escort or school route.  If changes need to be made, you will be notified as soon as possible.